When insurance companies lowball your yacht damage claim, or even worse, deny it entirely, having the right lawyer can make a big difference. The Law Offices of Anidjar and Levine fight for our clients like family. Our Melbourne property claim lawyers want to fight for you, too. We understand how much your yacht means to you and if it’s damaged, you deserve to be treated fairly by the insurance company. We’ll fight to make sure they treat you right!
How Can a Melbourne Yacht Damage Lawyer Help You?
Even if you’re fortunate enough to own a yacht, it can be incredibly frustrating when the insurance company treats you like just another number. You are more than just another number to us. Our mission is to make all of our clients feel like our only client. We don’t just take your case; we take a personal interest in your case.
When you have a Melbourne personal injury lawyer from our firm representing you, you will get an advocate whose only concern is making sure you get what you deserve for your claim. We will handle your claim with a personal touch and take care of every detail regarding your case. We want you to have the peace of mind that your interests are being protected.
We’ll give you regular case updates, so you always know where you are in the process. You’ll also be able to reach out to your lawyer directly with any questions you have. As part of our fight to protect your best interests, we will also do the following:
- Looking over every aspect of your policy to make sure the insurance company is living up to their obligations
- Conducting our own evidence-gathering process and investigation to challenge the insurance company’s conclusions regarding the damage total, the value of your boat, or liability in the boat accident
- Representing you in face-to-face negotiations with the insurance company
- Filing your case and representing you in court if negotiations are unsuccessful
- Helping you prepare a strong case for trial and giving you the best chance possible at a positive outcome
How Does Yacht Insurance Work in Melbourne?
All Florida boat owners are required to carry liability insurance. However, most yacht owners also carry comprehensive insurance that covers them for other losses, such as fire, lightning strikes, sinking, or theft. In many cases, but not all, hurricane coverage is included in this comprehensive insurance. You may have to specifically add hurricane or “named storm” coverage to your policy.
However, even that may not be sufficient. Many standard hurricane policies cover your yacht for wind damage, but not flooding. When storms like Hurricane Ian smash into Melbourne, the storm surge can do even more damage than the wind. So, adding flood insurance to your policy is always a good idea.
Regardless of what your policy does or doesn’t cover, a Melbourne yacht damage lawyer will make sure the insurance company lives up to all the promises they made in your policy. You have a right to expect them to handle your claim fairly, transparently, and in good faith. We’re going to help you make sure that happens and try to get you the most money possible for your yacht damage claim in the process.
Other Issues With Yacht Insurance Coverage
Standard boat insurance policies cover the main systems of the boat that make it seaworthy. That usually means the motor, the hull, the sail, and the mast would be covered under a standard policy. However, yachts feature all manner of luxury additions, such as TVs, furniture, weather radars, and even hot tubs, which may not be covered under your policy.
Even if you add a rider that does cover them, the valuation for these luxury additions can be a source of contention between policyholders and insurers. If these items were covered under your policy, they should be included in your claim, and you have every reason to expect a proper valuation for the cost of repairing or replacing them.
A Melbourne yacht damage lawyer will fight for you on this front as well. There is no aspect of your yacht damage claim that we will accept you being shortchanged on. Whether it’s a dispute over replacement value or the cost of repairs, the Law Offices of Anidjar and Levine will do our best to make sure your yacht looks and functions as well after the claim as it did before the claim.
Why Getting Fair Payment in Yacht Damage Claims Can Be So Contentious
The unfortunate reality of the insurance industry is that their business model invariably pits them against their customers. They take policy payments from their customers, but the success of their business depends on paying the smallest possible percentage of their premium payments out in damage claims.
Consequently, when it comes to a high-dollar item like a yacht claim, many insurance companies will do everything in their power to minimize the claim payout. This is not in your best interest which is why a yacht damage lawyer is an excellent investment.
Consult With a Melbourne Yacht Damage Lawyer for Free
If you’re like most yacht owners, you probably have lots of questions after it’s been damaged. Examples of those questions may include:
- How much is your damage claim worth?
- What can you do if you don’t agree with the insurance company’s handling of your claim?
- What, specifically, does your policy cover in terms of damages?
- What is your recourse if the insurance company denies your claim?
- What do you do if you believe your insurance company is acting in bad faith?
A Melbourne yacht damage attorney from the Law Offices of Anidjar and Levine can answer these questions for you in a free consultation. Come in, sit down with our team and tell us about your situation. Even if you don’t bring us on to represent you, we would be happy to give you the information you need to make the best possible decision about how to proceed.
We Are Ready To Help You
Whether your yacht is worth millions or thousands, the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine are ready to fight for your rights. We’re here to help people make it through the toughest of times. Our first commitment is you, our client.
Our lawyers will fight the insurance company in your Melbourne yacht damage claim on a contingency basis. You only owe us a fee if we collect a settlement or win your case. We want you to know that you do have options if your insurance company isn’t treating you fairly. Contact us today and let’s get started.