Roofing damage, whether it was caused by a natural disaster or other incidents, can cost thousands of dollars to repair. Upon discovering the damage, you may be confronted with the possibility of having to relocate your family or paying out of pocket to prevent your roof from getting worse. Amid these stressors, you may be at a loss of how to approach your insurance company regarding these expenses.
If you have suffered damage to your home’s roof, a Miami roofing property claim lawyer from the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine can help you file an insurance claim.
Some of the other services we can provide include:
- Handling communications with your insurance company
- Estimating the value of the damage and factoring it into your claim
- Reading the fine print of your insurance policy
- Negotiating a fair settlement on your behalf
The Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine can deal with your insurance company and work to make sure that you get what your premiums have paid for.
We never charge a fee until our clients get paid. For a free, no-obligation case evaluation, call us at 1-800-747-3733.
Roofing Property Claims in Miami, Florida
Regarding roof coverings and best practices in maintaining them, the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) notes that if a building’s roof is not fixed within an appropriate period, it can lead to other damages. Structural integrity, the introduction of mold and mildew into the home, and threats to a home’s power grid are all possibilities if its roof is not quickly secured. If you do not address these damages, you may find your home deemed unsafe to inhabit. You, as the homeowner, should not have to bear these difficulties if you have been making faithful insurance payments.
At the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine, we can help you get paid what you deserve from your insurance company for roof damage caused by the following and more:
- Improper installation
- Aging shingles
- Weather damage
- High heat
To learn more about our Miami roofing property claim lawyers, call us at 1-800-747-3733.
Miami Roofing Property Claim Denials
Unfortunately, some insurance companies do not always act in the best interests of their policyholders. If you have already started the process of filing your claim, you may find yourself experiencing trouble in getting the funds you need to repair your roof. These may qualify as “bad faith” insurance practices, which are outlined in the 2019 Florida Statutes.
Some of these unethical actions may include:
- Twisting the wording of your policy in such a way that absolves the company of paying for your expenses
- Purposefully providing misleading or inaccurate information to confuse you
- Delaying payment in hopes that you will accept a low settlement offer
- Denying your claim outright without providing sound reasoning
A Miami roofing property claim lawyer can strive to protect you against these bad faith insurance practices so that you can move forward in making repairs to your home. The Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine want to help you get the payment you deserve. For a free case evaluation, call our office today at 1-800-747-3733.