Florida’s year-round warm weather makes a motorcycle a fun and exciting way to get around Palm Beach Gardens. If you or someone you love was injured while riding your motorcycle, you could have the basis of a Palm Beach personal injury insurance claim or lawsuit. A legal representative from our firm can review the details of your accident at no cost or obligation and explain your next steps.
To help you seek the financial compensation you need and deserve, a motorcycle accident lawyer will take on the at-fault driver and insurance provider. We will investigate your accident, determine its monetary value, and negotiate a favorable settlement. If we cannot settle your case fairly, we will not hesitate to go to court on your behalf. Call us today for a free consultation.
How Our Palm Beach Gardens Attorneys Demonstrate The At-Fault Driver’s Financial Responsibility After A Motorcycle Accident
The first thing we’ll do when handling your case is identify the at-fault driver and establish negligence. For example, more than 40% of car-versus-motorcycle collisions happen when the vehicle driver makes a lefthand turn and fails to see the motorcyclist, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA).
To do so, your Palm Beach Gardens personal injury attorney will work to prove the following elements of negligence:
- Duty of care: The at-fault driver failed to protect you from danger or harm.
- Breach of duty: The at-fault driver did not provide you with reasonable care.
- Causation: The at-fault driver’s actions caused the motorcycle accident to occur.
- Damages: The physical injuries you suffered have financial consequences.
In Florida, you can settle a motorcycle accident claim without an attorney. However, there are several benefits to hiring an experienced accident lawyer to represent you. Proving your right to recover compensatory damages is only one.
What Are The Leading Causes Of Motorcycle Accidents In Florida?
According to Florida Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles (FLHSMV) statistics, 8,644 motorcycle crashes throughout the state in 2021 caused 7,391 injuries and 623 fatalities.
Commonly reported causes of motorcycle accidents include:
- Distracted driving: Driver distractions can include texting, talking on the phone, and adjusting your mirror or GPS.
- Improper lane positioning: This can include driving too close to the center line, driving too far into another lane, and failing to yield to traffic.
- Unsafe lane changes: Drivers may change lanes without signaling or yielding to other vehicles, especially motorcycles.
- Low visibility: Poorly lit roads, poor weather conditions, and darkness can make it difficult to see other vehicles.
- Speeding: Speeding can be dangerous because drivers may fail to notice that they’re approaching a curve or intersection.
- Failure to obey traffic laws: Drivers who violate traffic laws, such as speeding, running red lights, and changing lanes without signaling, can cause motorcycle accidents.
- Road hazards and poor road conditions: Road hazards like potholes, cracks, and debris can increase the motorcycle crash risk.
- Lane splitting: Lane splitting occurs when a rider splits lanes to pass slower traffic. It’s illegal to lane split in Florida.
- Riding under the influence: Riders who drink alcohol or use drugs before getting on a motorcycle can pose a greater risk of causing a motorcycle accident.
- Alcohol use: Alcohol consumption by riders increases the likelihood of a crash.
- Riding while fatigued: Fatigue can lead to impaired judgment and decision-making.
- Road rage: Road rage includes aggressive behavior toward other motorists.
- Reckless driving: Reckless driving includes riding recklessly through intersections, passing unsafely, and racing. Automobile drivers who drive recklessly can be held liable for motorcycle accidents.
When we handle your case, we’ll work hard to uncover its cause, gather evidence, and hold the at-fault party responsible. Call us today for a free initial consultation.
What If The Fault Was Partly Yours?
If you believe you contributed to the motorcycle accident you were involved in, we can help. Partial responsibility does not mean you cannot recover damages, according to Florida Statutes §768.81.
As long as you are not more than 50% responsible for the accident, you can recover damages in proportion to the other driver’s fault. In other words, if 25% of the fault is attributed to you, you can still recover 75% of your deserved compensation.
Your personal injury lawyer will carefully weigh the evidence in your case to ensure you do not receive a higher percentage of fault than you deserve. We aim to ensure you can recover compensation for the at-fault party’s negligent actions.
Compensation Our Lawyers Can Seek After A Palm Beach Gardens Motorcycle Accident
When we pursue the at-fault driver on your behalf, we will seek fair compensation for the following:
- Past, present, and future medical bills
- Past, present, and future lost wages
- Damaged or destroyed motorcycle and other property damage
- Diminished motorcycle value
- Physical disability or disfigurement
- Damages for future pain and suffering from bodily injuries, including spinal cord injuries, road rash, neck injuries, and traumatic brain injuries (TBIs)
- Mental and emotional distress
- Loss of enjoyment of life
- Loss of companionship
- Burial expenses
At our personal injury law firm, your motorcycle accident lawyer will review your insurance policy and assess the value of your case. We will account for all the losses you have experienced or will experience in the future.
Seek Medical Care After a Palm Beach Gardens Motorcycle Accident
The best thing you can do for your motorcycle accident case is to see a doctor. Our Palm Beach Gardens lawyers can use your medical records to substantiate your accident-related losses and seek fair compensation. If you forgo or delay treatment, an insurance adjuster could see this as you contributing to you losses. They may then move to undervalue or deny your claim.
You deserve to reach your maximum medical recovery, as well. The only way to do this—and protect your case—is to follow through with your doctor-prescribed treatment plan. While you work on your physical recovery, we will be taking care of the legal legwork.
How Long Do You Have To File An Insurance Claim Or Lawsuit?
Resolving your case with an insurance claim or lawsuit is time-sensitive. If negotiations are prolonged, we can file a lawsuit before the statute of limitations runs out. Taking this step prevents you from losing the right to go to court if we cannot settle.
In Palm Beach Gardens, you generally have four years to file your personal injury lawsuit, according to Florida Statutes §95.11(3)(a). If a loved one passed away in a motorcycle accident, you generally have two years to file your wrongful death lawsuit, according to Florida Statutes § 95.11(4)(d).
We’ll Represent You On A Contingency-Fee Basis
Our law firm will not add to the financial burden of your accident. We will accept your case on a contingency-fee-basis. This benefits you because:
- You pay nothing upfront or out of your pocket
- We’ll absorb all the expenses related to your case
- You get legal help and support without delay
We mean it when we go the extra mile for you. You will owe us nothing if your case does not result in financial compensation. Our experienced motorcycle accident lawyers are here to fight for you.
Get Your Free Motorcycle Accident Case Review
Were you or someone you love injured in a motorcycle accident? If so, we will help you file a personal injury claim and fight for fair compensation.
Call our case review team at the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine today to learn how hard a Palm Beach Gardens motorcycle accident lawyer from our team will fight for you and your family. Contact us today for a no-obligation consultation.
We Can Help.