If you own a home or business, there is a chance that at some point in time, you will need to file a claim with your insurance company. It is a reality for many people that upon filing a claim, they find that the insurer either offers them a settlement that undervalues their damages or denies their request for compensation altogether. Whether it is a difference of opinion or the result of bad faith insurance practices, at the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine, our West Palm Beach umpire appraisal lawyers can help. We understand what tactics insurance companies use to deny claimants compensation, and know how to counteract these practices.
If you have filed a claim with your insurance company only to be met with conflict, the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine can help you understand what protections you are afforded under Florida law. Call us today for a free case review at 1-800-747-3733.
Appraisal Clauses May Settle Disputes
Most insurance policies will have an appraisal clause. This allows you to hire an appraiser to determine the cost of repairing the damages to your property. Similar to an insurance adjuster, the appraiser will visit the property and make a note of any losses, while also taking into account what circumstances led to the damage in the first place.
The insurance company will then have its own appraiser come to the property and inspect damages. From there, the insurance company will either settle your claim, or you have the option of entering a process that is very much like mediation. To learn more about what this entails, call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine today at 1-800-747-3733.
Appraisal Process
During the appraisal process, you, your insurance company, and your appraisers will then meet with an “umpire” who will examine both appraisals. The umpire is an unbiased, third-party that works neither for you nor the insurance company.
During this time, you have the option to have a legal representative provide more clarity to your situation and make statements about any other concerns you may have. Sometimes, the insurance company will settle your claim, since they have to pay for an appraiser out of pocket, and want to cut down on further expenses. However, if neither party can come to an agreement, the umpire will make a binding decision to how much you can receive for your claim.
Call a West Palm Beach Umpire Appraisal Lawyer Today
If you decide to have an appraisal completed to settle your claim, you will want to choose responsive, professional legal representation to fight for the benefits outlined in your insurance policy. At the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine, we believe that you should be afforded the coverage offered under your insurance contract. Our West Palm Beach umpire appraisal lawyers work relentlessly to protect claimants against bad faith insurance practices. We also work on a contingency basis, meaning that we do not get paid unless we are successfully able to settle your claim.
To get started with a free case review, call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine at 1-800-747-3733.