If you have received a release from your insurance company, it may be best to discuss the offer with a lawyer before you sign it. Insurance companies are businesses that think about the bottom line, so they like to resolve incidents as quickly as possible. However, you must look out for yourself and your interests. You can discuss the company’s offer with an attorney first or turn it down and negotiate a better settlement. You have a legal right to take these actions.
Should I Settle or Negotiate in My Accident Case?
If you were in an accident of some kind, an insurance company may have contacted you soon after it happened. Its representative might have asked to discuss the case with you to determine what happened and who is responsible. They may have offered you a monetary settlement on behalf of the company. To accept this settlement, however, you’d have to sign an insurance company release document.
You may be ready to move on from your accident or incident, so it might seem like a good idea to just accept a check and put the incident behind you. But, you may want to consider negotiating with the insurer instead. It’s possible that this settlement offer will not be enough money to cover your current and future damages, such as medical costs and lost income. You also could have additional, unforeseen costs that you’d have to pay yourself. With a lawyer’s help, you may be able to negotiate for a much better, fairer settlement.
What Would Happen If I Signed an Insurance Company Release?
By signing a release, you agree to receive a settlement amount from the insurance company. You also agree that you won’t get any additional money from the company. You might also have to forfeit things, such as the other party’s liability for the incident.
Additionally, you may even have to sign a medical authorization release form, letting an insurance company access your medical records. The company might want this access to find information that either supports your claim or puts it at risk. For instance, certain events in your medical history could put a personal injury claim at risk.
Your Signature May Represent Your Case’s Closure
Once certain authorization and release forms are signed, the case is closed. You won’t be able to reopen the case or seek further compensation, even if there are further incident-related damages. Instead of signing anything, it may be best to explore other and potentially better options.
Why Should I See a Lawyer?
A lawyer from the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine can evaluate your incident, review the insurance company’s release, and then negotiate with the insurance company on your behalf, so you won’t have to deal with the insurance company, worry about the details in the release, or represent yourself alone. Instead, you can just focus on recovering from your incident.
Also, your lawyer will fight to recover the damages you’re due, such as:
- Any medical expenses you incurred, like physical therapy bills
- Medical expenses you’re still incurring
- Expenses for continual care, like at-home care
- Physical and mental pain and suffering
- Quality-of-life damages, like the loss of joy of living
- Lost income from work
- Future loss of income
- Lost earning potential
- Property damage (repair or replacement costs)
Your lawyer may be able to help you recover additional damages, too. Don’t hesitate to reach out to an attorney if you don’t see your damages listed here.
Seeing a Lawyer from Our Firm Will Keep Your Options Available
Even if the insurance company’s settlement offer sounds appealing to you, it may be beneficial to work with a lawyer who can negotiate with an insurance company. Remember, if you sign anything, you may be closing your case forever. But if you negotiate, you’ll have many options available to you. There’s no cost or harm in letting a member of our team review your case and offer legal advice.
Reach Out to Us at the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine
Our law firm serves Florida residents. Our injury lawyers want you to get the help you deserve, especially if insurance companies pressuring you. When we handle your case, you get your attorney’s phone number for instant access, and we provide frequent case updates to keep you informed. We can even help you schedule any personal appointments and help you get your car fixed after a car accident.
Contact our firm today for a free consultation at 1-800-747-3733. We will review the details of your situation and advise you on your legal options and how we can help you pursue them. If we agree to take your case, you will not pay any upfront fees or costs. We get paid only if we recover compensation for you.