A lawyer may advise you on what to do after an Orlando truck accident. Some of your initial moves after an accident may include:
- Finding a safe location away from danger
- Calling emergency services
- Calling a law firm
- Seeking medical attention, which may be available to you at the scene of your accident
You may want to be concerned with your health, your rights, and your ability to pursue damages if you have been in a truck accident—the same concerns apply if your loved one was the one injured or killed in an accident.
Act With Care After an Accident
There are several possible reasons why you may want to act with care and caution after your truck accident. These reasons include:
- You could be injured, even if you do not initially realize it, and moving without care could result in further injury-Mayo Clinic reports that symptoms of whiplash develop “within days of the injury,” for instance
- You may be in a dangerous location, and should act carefully to avoid being injured further
- Carless statements that you make, or actions that you take, could be recorded and may harm your ability to seek compensation—or could make you unfairly liable for some portion of your accident
One way that you may protect your rights and act with care is by hiring a lawyer to defend you after an Orlando truck accident.
A Lawyer May Explain What Happened and Who is Responsible
The cause of your accident could be negligence, and you may be entitled to compensation for another person’s harmful acts. Some possible causes of your accident may include:
- A driver who was distracted by their cell phone, which the World Health Organization (WHO) identifies as a dangerous form of distracted driving
- A driver who was under the influence of alcohol
- Aggressive driving, such as speeding or tailgating
- Any number of other dangerous driving behaviors
When a truck accident occurs, it is possible that a truck driver’s employer, and possibly additional parties, may have a measure of liability for your losses. Your lawyer may explain to you who is at fault for your losses, and how you may be able to hold those parties responsible.
Losses for which you may seek compensation include:
- Mental anguish
- Physical pain
- Income that you lose because of your injuries
- The cost of diagnosing, treating, and rehabilitating any injuries that result from your accident
- A decline in your earning power caused by your accident
- Any other losses you suffered, or will likely suffer in the future, because of others’ negligent behaviors
A lawyer may take on your case for compensation while you focus on recovery.
Call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine to Speak to Our Team
A lawyer may be a resource that you can rely on if you were injured or lost a loved one in an Orlando truck accident. Call the Law Offices of Anidjar & Levine today at 1-407-500-4000 for a free consultation about your case.